Happy Birthday to My Wife Poem

Happy Birthday to My Wife Poem And Wishing Images

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Happy Birthday to My Wife Poem

You Are My Princess

You, my sweetheart, are no less than a princess to me,
You fill my life with happiness and glee.
I depend on your advice at each step of my life,
I am so damn glad that God gave you to me as my wife.
Happy Birthday, Sweetheart.
May you have a life as long as my love for you.

Happy Birthday to My Wife Poem
Happy Birthday to My Wife Poem

You’ve always stood by me holding my hand,
Even when the days were rough, you helped me stand.
You taught me how to live life without giving a damn,
Today on your birthday, I just want you to know how lucky I am!
Happy Birthday, baby. I love you so much.

Happy Birthday to My Wife Poem
Happy Birthday to My Wife Poem

May Allah bless you with a long life! This is my sincere prayer to Allah on your birthday.

My belief in angels grew stronger,
The moment you walked into my life my dear.
Try as I might to find the best gift for your birthday,
I seem to be at a loss to get the perfect thing in every way.
How is it that you outdo me every time?
I find it annoying, although it is most certainly fine.
So, this birthday, I give ME, My Love!

Happy Birthday to My Wife Poem
Happy Birthday to My Wife Poem

Happy birthday, you gorgeous girl.

Whatever plans you are making, whatever dream you are dreaming, May they come to pass. Happy Birthday!

A Beautiful Birthday for y Darling Wife

Day by day, months pass by,
Month by month, years go by.
You’ve always been when I needed you or otherwise,
Today is your birthday and to the occasion I must rise.
To bring a smile to your lips all day,
Is my goal in every possible way.
Happy Birthday My Wife!

Happy Birthday to My Wife Poem
Happy Birthday to My Wife Poem

May your birthday be filled with happiness and the warmth of sunshine, Have a lovely day.

Wishes to My Wife on your 35th Birthday

Today on your thirty fifth birthday,
I feel like we’ve spent thirty five years together.
Every moment has been wonderful,
Even arguments have seemed fruitful.
No one’s ever cared for me as you do,
In every way, that is possible only for you…
Happy Birthday my Love!

Happy Birthday to My Wife Poem
Happy Birthday to My Wife Poem

Happy Birthday Sweetheart

You are the sole reason of our love,
The angel sent to me from up above.
You came into my life and gave me the joy,
Your smile is still my biggest decoy.
I want to bring the moon for your birthday,
But I promise to deliver the beauty of the moon on this day.

Happy Birthday to My Wife Poem
Happy Birthday to My Wife Poem

Happy Birthday My Wife

I love who you are and all that you do,
I knew it from the day I knew you.
You are a wonderful lady and my soul mate,
I still remember our first date.
Was on your birthday not so long ago,
It is again today with the same glow.

Happy Birthday to My Wife Poem
Happy Birthday to My Wife Poem

Sincere Birthday Wishes to My Love

Your love makes life worthwhile,
I don’t know how you do it but you have your own style.
Mere words cannot say what I feel,
But your love has the ability to heal.
On your birthday, I want to make up to you,
For things that may have hurt you.

Happy Birthday to My Wife Poem
Happy Birthday to My Wife Poem

Happy Birthday My Love

It is tough to tell you how I feel,
Vows and rings did our love seal.
We may have our ups and downs,
But when you are not around, I feel like am in dumps.
On your birthday, I make another vow
A promise to always leave you feeling wow…

Happy Birthday to My Wife Poem
Happy Birthday to My Wife Poem

Happy Birthday to my Friend and Wife

Years have come and gone,
But our love feels like it is still a new born.
Even when we do not say a word,
Our thoughts are still mutually heard.
I thank God for the bond we share,
And on your birthday, let me tell you that I deeply care!!

Happy Birthday to My Wife Poem
Happy Birthday to My Wife Poem

A true gem

You are the true gem of my life,
The many things we shared,
The way you really cared,
This is to you my beautiful wife,
Happy birthday to you!
May you get everything you wish and new!
Keep smiling!

Happy Birthday to My Wife Poem
Happy Birthday to My Wife Poem

A reason to

Birthdays are a reason to celebrate,
To let you know that you are the one,
So, this birthday smile,
Coz you are the number one,
In my life,
To my pretty wife!
Happy birthday to you!

Happy Birthday to My Wife Poem
Happy Birthday to My Wife Poem

Have changed for me

You have changed me for better you know,
At many occasions I just don’t show,
But, my love for you is true,
Baby I truly love you,
Hope you have a great day
Wish you a loving birthday!
Keep smiling!

Happy Birthday to My Wife Poem
Happy Birthday to My Wife Poem

Respect for you

I have always respected you,
For what you really are,
In my life, you are an angel,
No, a shining star,
Stay this way forever
Wish you a loving birthday!
Have a nice day!

Happy Birthday to My Wife Poem
Happy Birthday to My Wife Poem

Your love for me

Has always been enduring

I hope I can return it with

Affection which is everlasting

Your respect for me

Has always been inspiring

I hope I can return it with

Loyalty which is unflinching

Your commitment to me

Has always been never-ending

I will return it with my love

Which is true and undying

Happy birthday

Happy Birthday to My Wife Poem
Happy Birthday to My Wife Poem

I may never be able to become

A husband as amazing and awesome

As the wife you have been to me

And changed the course of my destiny

If I can be even an ounce of what you are

I will be able to take my life really far

Until I catch with up with you, sweetie

I want you to keep inspiring me

Happy birthday

Happy Birthday to My Wife Poem
Happy Birthday to My Wife Poem

I am glad that I married

A beautiful woman like you

One thing I will never regret

Is saying, I do

Apart from a beautiful gift

I also want to give you a kiss

Which will show you how much

You make my life a bliss

Happy birthday

Happy Birthday to My Wife Poem
Happy Birthday to My Wife Poem

My wife, my love…

Without your presence

My life wouldn’t have balance

Without your intelligence

My decisions wouldn’t have prudence

Without your brilliance

My actions wouldn’t have confidence

Without your benevolence

I wouldn’t have a clear conscience

Without your influence

My life wouldn’t be of any consequence

Because of your existence

My life gets significance

Happy birthday

Happy Birthday to My Wife Poem
Happy Birthday to My Wife Poem

Hello beautiful

You make life bountiful

Hello pretty baby

You make my life happy

Hello you sexy girl

With joy you make me whirl

Hello my lovely wife

Around you, revolves my life

Happy birthday

Happy Birthday to My Wife images
Happy Birthday to My Wife images

Your birthday is the perfect chance

For me to pamper you all day long

Spoil you with gifts and treats

Maybe even sing a few songs

Today, my dear

Your hubby is at your service

Let’s begin the day

With the most romantic kiss

Happy Birthday to My Wife images
Happy Birthday to My Wife images

The word gorgeous

Is way too demure

To personify your love

Of which I am so sure

The word lovely

Is too mild of a compliment

Coz baby you are

Prettiness’ perfect embodiment

Happy birthday

Happy Birthday to My Wife images
Happy Birthday to My Wife images

When it comes to you

I am crazy

When it’s about you

I feel all giddy

When you are concerned

I feel it’s my responsibility

When you are in the picture

By default, it involves me

Everything in your life

I want to make happy

That my life’s only aim

Nothing else means more to me

Happy birthday

Happy Birthday to My Wife images
Happy Birthday to My Wife images

I never expected you

To be flawless

I only wanted you

To give me happiness

But you have done both things

Very successfully

Thanks darling for being

Such an amazing wifey

Happy birthday

Happy Birthday to My Wife messages
Happy Birthday to My Wife messages

Another Birthday Together

Your birthday marks another year together;
Such happy times, I couldn’t ask for more,
Spending precious minutes, hours and days
With you, my love, whom I cherish and adore.

We’ve shared so much, we two, in love and friendship;
Each year our bond just seems to grow and grow.
I always want to be right next to you;
To be with you means more than you can know.

You’re always there for me with a loving smile;
I’m never happier than when I know you’re near.
I thought my love for you could not grow stronger;
And yet I love you even more this year.

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