Funny Birthday Wishes
Some People Search For Funny Birthday Wishes At The Moment Of Birthday Event but At Back Moment They Are Confused Which One They Select Or Not For Wishes Birthday, So Our Funny Happy Birthday Wishes Will Help you In Wishing Them
Choose The best One Which You Like And Share With Then Which Have Birthday
Funny Birthday Wishes
When I looked at the date, I realized that it was your birthday, friend! When I thought about the year in which you were born, I almost fainted! You don’t look a day over a hundred!
Today, my friend, you have made me grateful for something…that I’m not the oldest person here!
Friend, on this day of the year, many, many years ago, you were born! I guess that’s something!

Friend, I hope that a million birthday wishes come true for you! It will match your age!
If I tried to count up to your age today, I would go hoarse! Happy Birthday, buddy!
Happy Birthday, friend! You were educated in the old ways! The pyramids wouldn’t have been built without you!

Today friend, you should be glad! You can paint on canvas and not in a cave
Happy Birthday to a friend, who is unforgettable! Mainly because you are the grayest one here!
Before there were maps, people used the stars to guide them. You would know!
“Happy Birthday to my best friend. Without our conversations, my therapy bills would be outrageous.”

On this date friend, you might ache a little more. That is because you are old!
Remembering you today, friend, is easy! The sheer number of your years is astounding!
Friend, don’t mind me, but ask anyone and they’ll tell you the same: calling you young would be a mistake! A HUGE mistake!

I wish for you tremendous love, luck and laughter. For today, tomorrow and for days thereafter. Have a wonderful birthday!
Cheers to a friend who can tell me when bread was only five cents!
As your friend, I am here to remind you of significant things! Like always use Bengay!
Friend, some people are obsessed with age! Like me! I can’t believe how old you are!

Today, friend, count your blessings, not your years. You don’t have that kind of time!
Friend, you really exemplify a phrase, for me! Long in the tooth, comes to mind!
Now is the time to tell you what you truly are, friend! An old geezer!

Happy Birthday, friend! Age is not a big deal… to me! I’m still young!
Happy Birthday, friend! You are as old as you are dear to me!
Dear friend, I know you know who I am, but I hope you get tons of wishes from all those other stalkers on the web who call themselves your ‘friends’ too

We have stuck by each other through thick and thin. We’ve been there for each other all these years and we’re still two bitches who are better together than apart. That says something, don’t you think? Stay fabulous, babe.
I was going to send your gift in the mail, but the mail service said I weighed too much, so here I am.
Hey bestie, I know you are sad about your age this year, but no worries- I’m here to blow out your candles for you so you can feel like a real kid again!

May your hair dye and mascara never run! Happy Birthday, old lady!
Cheers to a woman who has been thirty, fifty times!
Happy Birthday, to an ancient woman! Someday, you will tell me what it was like to build Stonehenge!

You are no longer a young woman. That’s all I got!
Wishing you the very best! Goodness, woman! You are really old! I mean, really, really…
When you were born, the sun shone…for the very first time!
Happy Birthday to the woman who has it all! One hundred years of accumulation would result in that!

Looking at you fills me with hope! A woman can live to be a hundred!
Now, you can tell me what it’s like to be the oldest woman there is!
Today, avoid all mirrors! You don’t want to see that old lady!

Here is to all the years that you have been alive, and the cake budget we cut down, just because candles cost a lot! Happy Birthday, woman!
There is something that makes you stand out, woman! I know what it is: your age!
Today, girl, there are things to marvel at! Like the length of time that you have been here!

Happy Birthday, woman! Sometimes, I feel like you have been around, forever! (That’s because you have!)
You are a woman whose very presence makes others happy! Thanks for reminding us that we’re not as old as you!
Cheers to a woman who has dyed her gray hair so many times, she doesn’t remember what its original color is!

Cheers to an old man who still thinks he is young! Call it “experience” and enjoy your birthday, anyway!
Here is to another year of a receding hairline and holding in that gut!
Since the dawn of time, you have been here! Today, is no different!

Your beard may be gray, your wrinkles may be deep, but hey, at least there is cake!
Here is hoping that toupee and girdle works out for you! Happy Birthday, old man!
A man like you deserves to have fond memories of his childhood, recalled to him. Unfortunately, there are no more dinosaurs!

Today, you have officially gotten past things! Like youth and hair that isn’t gray! Happy Birthday, man!
Today, reflect on the fact that you have been here from the beginning! I mean, the very beginning! Happy Birthday, man!
Happy Birthday, to a man who has witnessed great things! Invention of the wheel, the first cave drawing…

On this day, some people will tell you that you are still a young man. Those people are liars!
Man, you are like a tree in the woods! Old and still managing to stay grounded!
Today is a day to ask important questions! Like, why are you so old?

Cheers to a man who thinks he is still thinks he is young, but isn’t! You have really embraced delusion!
As your birthday approaches, you might dread becoming an old man. Don’t worry about that! You already are!
Today, you have really achieved something! How does it feel to be the oldest man alive?

If someone doesn’t acknowledge your age, then that person is not really looking at you! Happy Birthday, man!
Happy Birthday, to a man who is old and gray! So old and so gray!
Someday, you will tell me how you survived the dinosaurs! Happy Birthday, man!
Happy Birthday, man! Remember nothing is promised! Like the amount of aches that you will get!

Do you know the similarity between you and a cow? Well, just the face. Happy birthday, dear sister. May you moo till the end of times.
I thought of doing some charity today, and you are the nearest mentally-ill person I could find. So, happy birthday, sweet sister! Now keep smiling like you are doing right now.
You are very gifted person; in a race of two people, you would always be the first runner up. So, a very happy birthday to you, sis. May your talents keep shining like this always.

You remember how mother used to say to keep our mouths shut unless we had something good to say? Well, it appears I can only say one thing, since the rest would be horse shit: Happy birthday, sis.
You never seem to age you bitch, so let me remind you how old you really are: you’re old enough to drink, young enough to get pregnant, and just the right age to make something of yourself. So by all means, hurry up before it’s too late! Oh, and, as they say, many happy returns.
I have always said you were ‘special’, because the term ‘retards’ is politically incorrect. But anyway, I love the way you are. Happy birthday, little sister.

This is one of the few days when you can come out of the jungle and act like humans. To celebrate that, I wish you a very happy birthday.
I am happy for you today, even though you are adopted and were found in a bin. Wishing you a very happy and prosperous birthday, bro.
A wise man said “we hurt only those who we love”. This is probably why I beat you all the times. Happy birthday, brother. May your bones heal soon.
It really doesn’t matter that you are ugly, stupid and useless. For me, you will always be family. Happy birthday, brother.

Dear bro, I know we don’t always get along, I mean, except when we’re both wasted, but I really want to wish you a very happy birthday. So, I brought beer. You’re welcome.
Hey brother, you’re very welcome. You have such a great sister in me, no wonder you turned out so awesome! Have the best birthday ever. We both deserve it.
Wishing a happy birthday to my favorite brother of all time- I know you’re my only brother, but still. You’re the best I could ask for all year round.

My dear husband, science says that women live longer than men. Since you have lesser birthdays than me, I hope to make each one of them special. Happy birthday, darling.
Despite the numerous times you forgot to wish me on my birthday, I have a kind heart and pure soul. So, being gracious enough, I wish you a very happy birthday. May God bless you with a better memory and make you always find your car keys.
During our marriage, you promised that we will share everything with me. So I bought you an expensive makeup kit, which you can later share with me. Happy birthday, my love.

You have always been the best husband ever. Apart from the fact you are ungrateful, careless, lazy, pompous, dim-witted and too short. Apart from that, you are just perfect. Happy birthday, honey.
Stellar, rock star, rad, amazing, super awesome, gorgeous- wait, who are we talking about? Oh sorry, that was me. But you’re pretty cool too, bro. Have a very special birthday!
Wishing happy birthday to a bro who reminds me of the lil’ sister I never got. You came really close.

So, today is the day you get one more year older. Shouldn’t it be the right time to finally tell me your exact age? Anyway, happy birthday, my love. May you remain this beautiful forever.
You keep getting more beautiful with each year passing. For this, I have to give my gratitude to your beautician. Happy birthday, darling. May the cosmetics be with you.
Wishing a very happy birthday to the women who taught me to say “sorry” without any apparent reason. Stay the way you are (or maybe, be a little less like a Ninja Turtle, if possible).
Today is your great day. I do not want to ruin it by telling you that your food is overcooked and lacks taste, or that you create more mess than I did when I was 5 years old. So, I would simply like to tell you that you are an amazing wife. Happy birthday, my love.
Hey, can you blow out all these candles by yourself or should I call our local fire department to help you in this regard.
See how many candles on your cake. You’ll have to blow them out only by sniffing. Ha ha!
Hey, no matter how old have you become today, just make sure that you don’t forget that where you kept the car keys. Good luck!
I haven’t brought any cake for you. Because I know you love this bottle of champagne more. Happy birthday.
There are plenty of years that I can remember for those history classes in our schools. But, the bad news is I can’t remember your birth date as it wasn’t on our course. May be I’m late, but happy birthday.
The room is getting hotter, please blow the candles before your room gets on fire.
It’s cold out there, but I feel much warm for your candles. How hot your birthday is.
Too many birthday means, you are getting closer to death. It’s scientifically proven, not my own words.