Cute Birthday Cards For Mom
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Cute Birthday Cards For Mom
You deserve so much on your special day, and I am so sorry that you’ll just have to settle for lots of hugs and kisses instead. Happy birthday Mom, from your loving (but broke) daughter.
Happy birthday to the woman who helped to make all my dreams and aspirations possible, my darling mom. May your birthday be filled with delight this year.
I am blessed to have a friend like you, Loving thoughts and warm wishes on your birthday. Happy birthday!

It takes a special and endearing kind of love to sacrifice everything for someone else: a mother’s love. Thank you for sacrificing so much so that I could have a chance at happiness. You are the absolute best, Mom!
Mom, you always know how to make me smile so big it hurts and laugh so much I cry. I don’t know how you manage to do that, but I am so glad that you do. Happy birthday Mom!

Happy birthday! May the finest things come your way.
You are the type of woman that people love and admire. You are strong, beautiful, courageous, and wise. You can count me among your many admirers, Mom.
You fill my days with joy and laughter. Knowing that you are in my life brings me nothing but happiness. I hope you know that I love you so much, and I wish you the very best on your special day. Happy birthday!

Mom, you have such a free and cheerful spirit. I hope that never changes because it’s just one of the many things I admire about you. May your birthday be as full of cheer as you are.
I know you are getting older every year Mom but think on the bright side, you will at least always be younger than Dad. It’s good to celebrate the little victories!

I am sending warm wishes and endearing words your way for your birthday. Even though we are apart, you will always be in my thoughts as well as in my heart. Happy birthday Mom!
I hope that when you look back on this day that every moment will be an amazing memory because that’s how I feel about all my time spent with you. Happy birthday to my beloved mom!

My whole life you have always been there for me. There will never be enough words to convey how deeply grateful I am that I have a mom as wonderful as you, but I can start with “I love you so much”.
Thanks for all the years of love and affection, Mom. From diapers to divorce you have always supported me in everything that I have done, and I love you so much for it. May you know only love and happiness on your birthday.

You are such an overachiever, Mom. You don’t just go through the motions of parenthood; you go above and way beyond. Thank you for always loving, supporting, and caring for me even when it cost you to do so.
You have given me with so much throughout my life. When I needed strength you gave me hope, when I needed help you gave me support, and when I needed even more you gave me endless, unconditional love.

Thanks for all the honest advice, tough love, and unconditional support over the years, Mom. I appreciate everything you’ve done for me and all you’ve given me. I hope that your year is chock full of blessings and love.
Happy birthday to the most influential woman in my life, my beloved mom. You were my everything when I was a kid, and you still are. May your special day be just as phenomenal as you are, Mom.

Thank you for always comforting me when I was sad and making me laugh whenever I cried. A mom’s love is always what you need whenever you are down in life. Happy birthday to my incredibly supportive mom!
Mom, you are still gorgeous after all these years. It makes me so glad I have your genes! Happy birthday to my stunning mom, and may your birthday be as lovely as you are.

I have so many amazing and fond memories of you from my childhood, and I am so fortunate that I have even more of memories of you from my adulthood. Three things have always remained constant in my life: your love, affection, and support.
I know I don’t always say it, but I really and truly love you, Mom. Even though it’s hard to express, I hope that on your special day you feel just a measure of my love for you. Happy birthday!

Throughout my whole life, you have showered me with your love. Thank you for always giving me your all. I am so grateful, and I hope your birthday is filled with every wonder and delight imaginable this year.
It’s one of the greatest feelings in the world to know that no matter what you will always have my back, Mom. That kind of love and devotion is hard to come by, and I want you to know that I love and appreciate you for it. Happy birthday Mom!

Mom, you may be crazy, but you’re my crazy. Plus, I can’t really say anything, because it sure didn’t fall far from the family tree. Happy birthday to my crazy but beloved mom!
Mom, you are my hero. No, you can’t scale buildings or fly, but you survived labor, and that seems way harder. I just wanted to take today to say thank you, I love you, and happy birthday Mom!

Mom, you are limitless. Your grace, care, and love have no end. Thank you for everything, and may your special day be filled with tons of presents, wine, and cake.
You have a unique gift in life, you manage to be both encouraging and annoying at the same time. It is difficult to balance the two, but you manage to make it look easy. Happy birthday to my infuriating, lovable mom.

With you by my side, I know that I am capable of anything. Thank you for always making me feel invincible, Mom. I hope your birthday is as wonderful as you are.
Whenever I feel like I have lost my way, I know exactly what to do, call you. Thank you for the years of encouragement and support. May your birthday be filled with good wine, cake, and presents.

I don’t know how you manage it, but you get prettier and prettier each year, Mom. I am so excited that I get to grow up to be like you. Thanks for being my role model in looks and in life.
You manage to fill so many roles in my life: mom, teacher, friend, and confidante. I am grateful for all of them. Thanks for being my everything, Mom.

Thank you for always providing me with hope, encouragement, and support. You are the very best, and I hope that your birthday is as unforgettable as you are. Happy birthday Mom!
There is not a gift that I could give you that could ever compare to the one you gave me, the gift of life. I want you to know that I love and appreciate you so much, Mom. I hope that on your big day you feel as loved as I do.

Whenever I am uncertain, I turn to you, because you always guide me with your faith, hope, and love. Your support always helps to lift me up. Thank you for your never-ending patience and love, Mom.
When I was little, you helped me to learn to walk, but as an adult, you helped me to stand firmly on my own two feet. Thank you for always encouraging me to stand tall, Mom. I hope that someday you are as proud of me as I am of you.

Every moment I have been blessed to spend with you has been truly amazing, Mom. I wouldn’t trade my time spent with you for all the money in the world. Happy birthday to my priceless mom!
Don’t worry about getting older, Mom. There is nothing to fear about the future because I will always be there by your side. I might be there with some Botox, but I’ll be there! Just kidding. Happy birthday to my gorgeous mom!

Mom, I love you so much and to quote Severus Snape “always.” Even though it’s cheesy, you know you love a good Harry Potter reference. Happy birthday from your nerdy (inherited from you) child.
You are wonderful in ways too numerous to count. You are such a kind, thoughtful, and loving person. I hope you receive everything you want for your birthday because you sincerely deserve it.

Mom, you have an inner strength that I really admire about you. The kind of inner strength that helped you raise me on your own. Every year I become more thankful that you were the parent that stayed. I love you, and happy birthday!
Growing up there were many times when I disliked you, but there were never times when I didn’t love you. Through thick and thin you have always supported me, and I am so unbelievably grateful for you, Mom.

It’s hard to think of the perfect gift when you already have my heart. How can cake and presents even compare? Thank you for raising me and loving me, Mom.
Over the years we have only gotten closer, and I look forward to where we will be in the future. I know that it will be bright because we will both be there by each other’s side. Happy birthday to my best friend!

No one can ever replace you in my life, Mom. Even though I am getting older, you will always have a special place in my heart. Happy birthday to the first woman I ever loved, my mom.
I hope you never stop laughing in life. Even if it’s at me! Your boundless joy and love are some of the things I love most about you. May your birthday be filled with endless happy moments.

Birthdays are a lot like candles. After a certain amount, you should stop counting them and just enjoy the glow. Happy birthday to my radiant mom!
Your energy and joy of life always inspire me, Mom. You have such a vivacious spirit, and I am so grateful that I was blessed with having you as a mom. I hope you receive nothing but love and warmth on your special day.

Mom, even though you seem so small and fragile, you are the strongest woman I know. Your fortitude is what I aspire to. Thank you for always leading me by example and loving me wholeheartedly.
Thanks for teaching me the basics when I was little, Mom. Do you remember when you were teaching me about kindness? In the spirit of kindness, you should really share your birthday cake with your loving son. Think of it not as sharing but as teaching.

Remember that you are never too old to start anew. If you’d like, we can start by taking off some of these candles! Happy birthday to my youthful mom.
I don’t know how you manage to do it all, but I am so grateful that you do. Thanks for all the years of loving me, Mom. May you know only prosperity and glee this year.
When my day is dark, you are my light. Thank you for not only lighting my way but filling it with warmth as well. May your birthday be as special as you are to me. Happy birthday Mom!
Mom, you are many things: beautiful, gracious, and fabulously epic. You are as epic as a Tolkien novel. Hopefully, your birthday will be filled with just as much food as one as well.
No one understands me like you, supports me like you, and loves me like you. Thank you for always giving me so much even when I didn’t know I needed it. You are one classy lady, Mom.
When people Google the word mom a picture of you comes up because you are the perfect mom. Although I guess back in your day they used dictionaries. Happy birthday to my old but lovable mom!
When I was younger, you played at being a superhero for me, but it’s much harder to be a hero in real life. You manage to pull it off though. Thanks for always coming to my rescue, Mom.
You always make me feel like I can do anything, Mom. You give me encouragement in the face of doubt and love in the face of disappointment. Happy birthday to the best mom ever!
When I was younger, I hated being compared to you. Now that I’m older it’s one of the greatest compliments I can be given. I am proud to call you my mom, and I hope your birthday is full of joy and amazement.
I hope this year you receive something that shines as much as you do, Mom. Never lose your twinkle, because your light is what leads my way in life. Happy birthday!
Every year you only seem to gain instead of lose; you gain strength, wisdom, and love. I am in awe of how you do it. Happy birthday to my spectacular mom!
We may not have had a lot growing up, but with you our family had everything. May you continue to be amazing for many years to come. Happy birthday to the woman who holds us all together, my exceptional mom.
I am so lucky that I have such a phenomenal mom. You are endearing, thoughtful, and courageous. I am so lucky that I have such a genuine person in my life. Happy birthday!
Thank you for always being the type of mom that I can always confide in. You always keep my secrets, give great advice, and love me unconditionally. Happy birthday to the woman who does it all, my loving mom.
Mom, you opened my eyes to endless possibilities in life. All my opportunities have had one thing in common though, they all include the presence of my amazing mom.
Mom, may you live long and enjoy every minute of your life. You thought I was going to say “live long and prosper” didn’t you? From the next generation (me) to the original (you) happy birthday to my Trekkie mom!
Throughout the years your love and support have helped me to overcome so many of my ordeals in life. Thanks for always taking my side even when I was sometimes wrong. You are the best, Mom!
Mom, my love for you has always been free, but as I’ve gotten older, it’s my respect you’ve earned. Now that I am a parent, I can see just how much you gave to me. I am truly grateful that I have such an amazing mom.
You have done so much for me throughout my life that there is no way I could ever repay you. I’m still going to try though. This year I found the best repayment, a grandchild! Happy birthday to my adoring mom and future grandma.
There were times in my life where you lifted me up, times where you carried me, and times where you threw me at life. It’s that last one I’m most grateful for. It takes a strong love to be able to let go like that. Thank you, and happy birthday!
People say children are a product of their upbringing. So, if people say I’m crazy can I just blame it on you? Let’s go with that plan. Happy birthday to my crazy like me mom!
When I was little, I used to love listening to you read me stories, because it made it seem like my life was one big, exciting adventure book. It’s your love that gave me my happy ending though. Thanks for always bringing magic and wonder into my life, Mom.
Thank you for always believing in me and caring enough for me to push me forward. Your belief is what pulls me through in times of doubt. I hope you know I cherish you so much, Mom.

Every time I can do the right thing in life, I try and remember that it was you who taught me the merit of that. Thanks for passing on your values as well as your love, Mom.
Whenever people see good in me, I know it’s all because of you. Thank you for teaching, loving, and supporting me. May your birthday be filled with generosity and happiness.
No matter where I go in life, a little piece of my heart always stays where you are. You are my shelter and my home. I hope your special day is filled with good music, good food, and good people.
When I was a little girl, there were times when I thought you were the Wicked Stepmother in my life. Now, I look back and laugh at how foolish I was. You were my Fairy Godmother. Thank you for always helping to make my hopes and dreams come true, Mom.
Even though I am older, my favorite place to be in the world is still wrapped up tight in your arms. Your hugs warm my soul, Mom. May your birthday also be filled with warmth as well.
I know there were times I tried your every nerve, but I am grateful for all the care you heaped on me anyway. Thank you for your endless patience over the years, Mom. Happy birthday!

Mom, one of the things I admire about you is your ability to find joy and happiness in even the smallest things. It is in that thought that I got you this card! It’s small, but I’m sure you will find some joy and happiness somewhere in it. Happy birthday from your broke but loving child.
I want you to know that I somehow did manage to fit all your birthday candles on your cake. What? I inherited my sassiness from you, so you can only blame yourself. Happy birthday to my old but amazing mom!
I hope this year will be every bit as happy, bright and joyous as the last one. I’ll be there so it should be! Happy birthday to my awesome mom.
I know you already have the best gift you could ever want in life: me as your child. But I decided to bring chocolate and cake just to cover my bases. You are welcome, and happy birthday!
Thank you for always loving me even during my angsty, teenage years. In return, when you are old and crotchety I got you, Mom. At least we have a long time to go before then! Happy birthday to my young and kind mom.
Without you, I wouldn’t be the person I am today so thank you, Mom. You are truly an inspiration to me. I hope you have a marvelous birthday filled with lots of laughter.
Mom, you deserve all the things that money can buy, but all I have for you this year is my utmost love and affection. I hope it’s enough. Happy birthday!
I hope your birthday lives up to how fabulous you are, Mom. May it be filled with kindness, warmth, and love as well. You deserve that and so much more in life.
My childhood memories wouldn’t be nearly as meaningful if you weren’t in them. Thank you for making my childhood such a fun and magical time for me. I hope your birthday is filled with laughter and joy.
To my original bestie, happy birthday. Thank you for always being a friend as well as a mom. I hope you get lots of presents, cake, and candy on your big day.
Lots of people are there for you when you are doing well, but family is always there when you are at your worst. Thanks for the years of support and love, Mom. Happy birthday!
On your birthday you deserve to be treated like the queen you are, Mom. So today I have the laundry, cleaning, and cooking covered. Happy birthday from your loyal subject, aka your favorite child.
This message may be small, but my love for you is ginormous. I hope you have a wonderful birthday full of delight and amazement. Happy birthday Mom!
Mom, I have many things to thank you for over the years, your love, patience, and support are just a few. May your day be as outstanding as you are to me.
Thank you for always cheering me up when I am blue. No one brings a smile to my face as much as you do. Your joy, wit, and sparkle are incredibly appreciated, Mom.
I hope you receive many things for your birthday this year: money, jewelry, and lots of cake would be great. Most importantly, I hope you receive endless years of happiness. Happy birthday Mom!
No matter how low I felt in life, I knew there was one person I could always turn to, my mom. Thanks for never judging and only loving me. You are a class act, Mom.
You may have a beautiful face, shining smile, and a loving heart. But it’s your generous soul that I love the most about you. Thank you for always giving so much to me over the years. I’m glad I still have so many years left to be able to try and repay you.
Over my lifetime you have given me millions of moments of untold joy. You bring laughter and love into my life, and I am so grateful that I have such an amazing, brilliant, and loving mom.
Anytime I’m faced with difficulty I just think of what you would do, Mom. Your words always guide me, and your love always comforts me. Thanks for being my rock.
I am so sorry it took me having a child of my own to realize just how precious our time together is. I can’t believe the years I spent being ungrateful for all you have done for me. Thanks for loving me despite my selfish moments. I love you so much, and happy birthday Mom!
I hope you always stay as daring as you are now, Mom. You always lead by example, and your ability to show courage in times of strife is nothing short of remarkable. Thanks, for always showing me the way in life.
May every day of your life be filled with wonder and glee. We can start with your birthday because I prepared chocolate, cookies, and cake. Nothing brings more wonder and glee than lots and lots of carbs!
I wanted to get you something nice this year for your birthday, but I couldn’t find the perfect gift. And then I thought about what I would want on my birthday, a warm hug from you. So, open your arms wide, because I am coming at you!
I know that when you are stern with me, it is because you love me. So even though we aren’t the kind of people that do sappy, I want you to know that I love you. I hope your birthday is as meaningful as you are to me.
Mom, I know you sacrificed so much of your happiness just so that I could have the opportunity for happiness in my own life. You are an incredibly selfless woman, and I love you so very much for it.