birthday wishes for baby boy 1st birthday

If You are Planning To Celebrate Your Baby Boy 1st birthday And You Are Searching for Birthday Wishes For Baby Boy 1st Birthday Then You Are On Right Place Browse our wonderful collection of 1st Birthday Wishes and send them a sweet message. Make them smile with a spectacular way of saying Happy 1st Birthday. We published This Article on 1st Birthday Wishes For Boy You Can Share Our Wishes With Your Spouse And Your husband For Your Baby 1st Birthday You Can Share Our Wishes and Quotes With Your Friends And Family Members

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birthday wishes for baby boy 1st birthday

I didn’t think you could get any cuter but now I see you enjoying your cake, I realize that you can. You just might be the cutest thing in the entire world.

Rock-a-bye baby, in the tree top, my love for you grows and never will stop. Happy Birthday to you, sweet little one. Hoping your Birthday is love-filled and fun.

To the dear Birthday Baby: When you came into this world you made everyone around you happier. We all gratefully look forward to another year of joy as we watch you grow.

Happy first birthday. I know you may be too young to remember this day but I want you know how much you are loved.

Who knew that one tiny little ball of sweetness (YOU) could improve the lives of so many? Happy Birthday to our little miracle.

Tiny hands and feet, tiny little coo’s, tiny little smiles… ENORMOUS happiness for those who love you. Happy Birthday, Sweetie.

May You Need : Happy Birthday Sister Funny Wishes

I am so grateful each day for you. You are certainly one of God’s greatest gifts. I pray that the coming year brings you countless and abundant blessings. Happy Birthday.

Birthday Wishes For Baby Boy 1st Birthday
Birthday Wishes For Baby Boy 1st Birthday

Turning one year old is AWESOME! You get to smash cake all over the place, spit it back out on your Mom, and if anyone gets mad at you just cry a lot and they’ll forgive you. Have a Happy Birthday, kiddo!

On your first birthday we want to celebrate the miracle of your birth and new life by stuffing our faces in front of you. Yum! Happy 1st Birthday! Hope that you have a sweet 1st birthday.

Not that you need any more sugar, you’re already such a sweetheart that you must always be on a sugar-rush.

You are growing up right before my very eyes. I can’t believe it. I’m just happy that you are still small enough for me to hold in my arms.

Happy 1st Birthday Kiddo! You won’t remember much about this day down the road, but you can rest assured the cake was AWESOME!

I can’t believe how tall you have grown already. You are growing up way too fast. Happy Birthday, my little one.

You were born with a natural affinity for charming every woman in the room with your cuteness. If you can manage to keep that charm kid, you’ll be golden. Enjoy your 1st birthday!

I will never forget where I was a year ago when I heard the wonderful news of your arrival. I am so happy to be sharing this day with you.

I’m so excited to watch you have some birthday cake for the first time. Happy 1st birthday, little one.

birthday wishes for baby boy 1st birthday
birthday wishes for baby boy 1st birthday

This is just the first of many parties we will have for you, my little one. I hope today allows you to feel just how much you are loved.

You are the most amazing little thing I have ever seen. I love you and happy 1st birthday to you.

I know you may not know how important this day is just yet, but trust me, one day I hope you will understand just how much you mean to me.

May you Need: Celebrity Birthday Wishes

To the most adorable 1-year-old I know, have a happy birthday! Enjoy that cuteness factor for as long as possible, cause those pre-teen years are hardly ever kind.

It’s your first birthday. You know what that means… Go Wild! Destroy that cake! You won’t remember it anyways, so just have a blast!

Happy 1st Birthday, my darling. Wishing you all of the care-free happiness and laughter of your first year on earth to continue for all the years to come.

You’re a whole year old! It’s time to waddle your way into those terrible twos. Have fun! Happy Birthday, you little rascal!

Your first birthday is important. It marks the start of your life’s journey into society. Don’t worry kiddo, we don’t bite…..much.

Happy Birthday cutie! Wishing your parents all the best of luck as you start your climbing phase!

Instructions for having a cry-free first birthday: Invest in a great cake, and keep lots of wet wipes! Happy 1st Birthday!

Birthday Wishes For Baby Boy 1st Birthday
Birthday Wishes For Baby Boy 1st Birthday

Let the birthday fun begin. I get excited because my favorite day to celebrate you is on your birthday.

Happy birthday wishes to the most wonderful person I know!

Happy 1st Birthday! Enjoy these carefree years, little buddy. Your parents will cherish these simpler days in the crazy years ahead.

You just turned 1! Parents, take lots of pictures. You’ll want them for blackmail later when they start dating.

Congratulations on figuring out all those motor skills. I mean, you could probably use a little more practice, but you’ve got a pretty endearing waddle going on for the time being. Have a Happy 1st Birthday!

Happy 1st birthday. It’s easy to see why your Mom and Dad are so happy. Who wouldn’t be with a sweet little girl like you in their lives.

Click Here To See Funny Birthday Wishes

Happy 1st birthday. Little darling girl, your parents are the luckiest Mom and Dad I know. That’s because they have an incredible angel like you in their lives. I’d be jealous if I wasn’t so happy for you and them.

Happy 1st birthday. You are an amazing little princess. Watching you go about your day fills me with more joy than I’ve ever felt. 

Happy 1st birthday to the sweetest and cutest baby girl in the universe.

Happy 1st birthday. Since you were born a year ago, beautiful baby girl, it has been 12 months of the sweetest sugar, spiciest spice and everything that’s nicer than nice.

Happy 1st birthday. Your laughter, babbling, shouts, screams, and even your tears, are music to my ears. I can listen to you all day!

Birthday Wishes For Baby Boy 1st Birthday
Birthday Wishes For Baby Boy 1st Birthday

Happy 1st Birthday Wishes for Baby Boy

Happy 1st birthday. Darling boy, we hope you celebrate many amazing birthdays in your lifetime, starting with this one, the first time we get a chance to celebrate you.

Happy 1st birthday, beautiful baby boy. Hoping it’s as special as the day you were born (and that was pretty special for all of us).

Happy 1st birthday, little cutie. Wishing you a wonderful first birthday with lots of birthday cake, balloons and fun.

Happy 1st birthday, beautiful boy! You’re only 1 once, so enjoy every second of your birthday celebration, eating as much birthday cake and ice cream as your little tummy can take.

Happy 1st birthday, dear, dear child. It’s hard to believe that you’re already a year old. It seems like you were only born a moment ago. But here we are celebrating your first birthday, and we’re so glad to take part in it.

May You Need: Birthday Wishes For Kids

Happy 1st birthday, little cutie. It’s a special day for you, your Mom and your dad. We are so glad to be a part of your first birthday celebration. Hope you have the best time (and the best gifts).

Happy 1st birthday, beautiful baby boy. You may not remember anything about your first birthday, but we will since it’s the first day we get to celebrate our little treasure.

Happy 1st birthday, darling baby boy! I think I love you like your Mom and Dad do. Hope you get so many gifts that your parent won’t know where to put them. You deserve the best.

Happy 1st birthday, beautiful boy! It’s your first-ever special day since you were born! We wish you the very best birthday since you only turn a year old once in a lifetime.

Birthday Wishes For Baby Boy 1st Birthday
Birthday Wishes For Baby Boy 1st Birthday

Happy 1st birthday. Sweetie, this is your first birthday today! You deserve only the best special day, because you’re the best baby boy in the world.

Happy 1st birthday to the world’s sweetest and cutest baby boy. We love you sooooooooooo much!

Happy 1st birthday to the most lovable boy ever. You are so loved by everybody, especially us. We just can’t get enough hugs, kisses and cuddles from you.

Happy 1st birthday, beautiful bundle of love. You are growing up into a big boy so fast. We are looking very forward to spending as much time as we can, watching you grow up into a beautiful man.

Happy 1st birthday. Dearest baby boy, you turn one today. This is a special, special, special day. You may not realize it yet, but it’s our most special day of the year, too, because we love you so much.

Happy 1st birthday. We think that you’re the best boy in the world. We love you more than life itself. You bring so much joy and love to everyone, especially us.

Happy 1st birthday. Little baby boy, we love you very much and wish you the greatest of first birthday celebrations.

Happy 1st birthday. We felt blessed when you were born, beautiful boy. Now that you’re 1, we are doubly blessed. May you live only a blessed life.

Happy 1st birthday. I thank our lucky stars every day that we have you, the cutest and sweetest boy in the Universe, in our lives. This is a blessed day, indeed.

Happy 1st birthday. You are only 1 once. On your very first BIG day, we wish you nothing but the joy, wonder and love you bring everybody.

Birthday Wishes For Baby Boy 1st Birthday
Birthday Wishes For Baby Boy 1st Birthday

Happy 1st birthday. You’re growing up so quickly, little boy. Time really flies. You are already a year old and, before we know it, you’ll be two. Let’s enjoy today and the next 12 months, one day at a time, so I can savor every precious moment with you.

Happy 1st birthday, beautiful boy! You are so special that I don’t think I need to have babies of my own. Yes, you’re that special. Have a truly special 1st birthday.

Its just a year since you are born, but you have given us so many sweet memories to cherish for our lifetimes! Happy 1st birthday to our little star!

You are still too young to realize how happy we are today. But pictures of your 1st birthday will always speak of our joys for having you!

Today we celebrate the very first birthday of our precious little one. Thanks for giving us 365 days of boundless joy and smile!

As you grow up day by day, our smiles grow bigger and bigger. The first year of your life was full of sweet memories for us!

May the innocence in your eyes and purity of your face stay forever with you. A very warm wishes for you on this special day!

It’s a unique privilege for us to be here today. The cute little baby I know has spent a wonderful first year of his life. Happy birthday!

Birthday Wishes For Baby Boy 1st Birthday
Birthday Wishes For Baby Boy 1st Birthday

You always make us all amazed by the sparkles in your eyes. I’m sure you’ll grow up to be the star someday. Happy 1st birthday to you!

You are so adorable and cute that you deserve the most spectacular birthday celebration. Congratulations on your first birthday of life!

Funny First Birthday Wishes

You know you have given some hard times to your mommy but who cares, it’s your first birthday ever! Enjoy it like a star!

You are too little and too cute that no one actually bothers when you pee while on their laps. It’s always special being a baby. Happy birthday!

You know you can ruin the cake today with your hands and still everyone will be clapping for you. That’s the joy of the 1st birthday in life.

Eat as much cake as you want today. Because next year, there will be one more candle on the cake and the cake will be a much smaller one!

Everyone has a great first birthday in life. But when you grow up, trust me no one cares what date is your birthday! Have a wonderful 1st birthday!

Good thing about being a baby is that you don’t have to act lame to make people smile. You are so natural and adorable! Happy birthday!

Growing up isn’t a fun. The sooner you realize it, the better. Wishing you all the good moments on your 1st birthday of life!

This is the most charming birthday of your life when you literally have a cake bigger than you. Don’t ruin this cake because you’re not getting one like this anymore!

Birthday Wishes For Baby Boy 1st Birthday
Birthday Wishes For Baby Boy 1st Birthday

First Birthday Wishes for Baby Boy

It feels like yesterday that you were born. I can’t believe you have turned one this quick. Please stay a baby forever. Happy birthday!

May you grow up to be a handsome, wise and strong man someday. May you be the real protector for those around you. happy 1st birthday!

You are the smartest baby boy there is and there will ever be. My good wishes for your future. Congratulations for turning one today!

A lot of girls will be disappointed to know you are only one. Is that why you are growing up so fast? Happy birthday dear!

You may not remember this day but we’ll keep the photos for you. Someday you’ll know how special your 1st birthday was!

I wish you grow up to be as wise as your father and as polite as your mother. Many congratulations on your 1st birthday of life!

There’s not a single day in 365 days when you did not make us smile. God is so kind for giving us a wonderful baby boy like you!

Finally, we have started counting your age by years., not in months or days. Today we celebrate the 1st birthday of everyone’s favorite baby boy!

Birthday Wishes For Baby Boy 1st Birthday
Birthday Wishes For Baby Boy 1st Birthday

First Birthday Wishes for Baby Girl

A sweet little baby girl like you is a blessing for everyone around you. Wishing you all the very best for your 1st birthday ever!

Your smile brings joy to every heart. May the same joy follow you wherever you go and whatever you do in life. Happy birthday!

I have never seen more beautiful one-year-old baby girls like you. You really are one in a million. Happy 1st birthday to you!

You are such a charming baby girl that everyone in the house is delighted to see you. It’s a very special day in your life. Congratulations!

Your sweet cuddly smile is simply the best thing anyone can wish to see after a long, exhausting day. God bless you little baby and happy birthday!

May you grow up to be daddy’s princess and mommy’s sweet girl. Anyone could see the happiness of your parents for having you. Happy 1st birthday!

You are such a wonderful little princess that any parents would love to have you. No wonder why your parents are so happy! Congratulations on your 1st birthday!

Your parents are among the luckiest parents to have such an amazing angel. Watching you smile is always a pleasure for the eye. Happy birthday!

Birthday Wishes For Baby Boy 1st Birthday
Birthday Wishes For Baby Boy 1st Birthday

30 Rhyming First Birthday Wishes

Unwrapping gifts, blowing candles, playing games, eating cake, and having fun. There is so much work to do, and you are just one—happy birthday!

Don’t be upset if you can’t blow all your candles in one go. It only means that you still have a lot to grow—happy first birthday!

I wish you grow up to be smart, tough, and wise, but I also hope that you always have the same innocence in your eyes. Happy first birthday!

You are my little cutie pie. Without seeing you every day, I would die. Happy birthday to the most adorable one-year-old!

You are the cutest baby in town because you look adorable even when you frown. Happy birthday, sweetie pie.

You may still be tiny and small, but you have stolen the hearts of one and all. Happy birthday!

Don’t take a nap while your 1st birthday party is going on, or the most important birthday of your life will be gone. Happy birthday!

Now we know why everyone wants to hold you in their arms. You know how to use your innocent charms. Have an awesome first birthday, little one.

You are as light and fluffy as a bubble. Your smile frees my life of all trouble. May you get the best in life, I hope and pray—here’s wishing the cutest one-year-old a happy birthday!

You have the sweetest laugh and the sweetest cry. I can’t stop loving you no matter how hard I try—happy birthday!

Birthday Wishes For Baby Boy 1st Birthday
Birthday Wishes For Baby Boy 1st Birthday

Hurray! You are turning one! Let’s cut the cake and have some fun. Happy first birthday.

A year ago you weren’t even here, and now you are a toddler who has no fear. Happy birthday!

You are the family’s little wonder. Today is your day to steal the thunder. Happy first birthday!

Happy birthday to a one-year-old who’s cute and sweet, may you grow up to have the world at your feet.

Congratulations for living life for one whole year. To my heart and soul, you will always be near and dear. Happy birthday!

Happy first birthday to the magician in our lives, the cute toddler who takes away all our worries with a single smile.

The cutest baby I know is about to get many presents in a row. Happy first birthday!

Let me give you a kiss and say I hope your life is all fun and play. May you grow up to pave your own way and have an awesome first birthday!

May your one-year soul always remain pure. My addictive love for you knows no cure. Happy birthday to a super cute one-year-old!

The stork that brought you home last year has given you this card that says, “Happy birthday, dear.”

Birthday Wishes For Baby Boy 1st Birthday
Birthday Wishes For Baby Boy 1st Birthday

You are surely the smartest one-year-old around, and that’s because you know how to melt our hearts with a frown. Happy birthday, smarty!

You are the one who I always want to hold. Without your warm little hands, the world seems bare and cold. Happy birthday to a beautiful one-year-old!

Your warmth makes our lives glow—”I love you” is all that I want you to know. Happy first birthday!

Your cuteness makes the world go around. Your family’s love for you knows no bounds. Happy birthday!

First birthdays come only once in a lifetime, so enjoy life while everyone entertains you with toys and chimes. Happy first birthday!

The very first year of your life just passed—who knew you would grow up so fast? Happy first birthday!

You are our bundle of happiness, love, and joy. On your first birthday, you deserve an awesome toy. Happy birthday!

As you slowly learn how to speak, sleep, walk, and run, along the way don’t forget to have some fun. Happy birthday!

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. As you turn one and learn new things, don’t forget to play with your toys. Happy first birthday!

You light up our days with your sweet and innocent ways. Today, you are officially one—I wish you a happy birthday full of fun!

Birthday Wishes For Baby Boy 1st Birthday
Birthday Wishes For Baby Boy 1st Birthday

Happy First Birthday Messages From a Guest

May your baby steps towards your birthday cake become your journey towards the best times in your life. Happy birthday, little one.

Happy first birthday to the magician in our lives, the cute toddler who takes away all our worries with a single smile.

May the first birthday of your life mark the first of many good things to come. Happy birthday.

You light up my world. Please keep being the shining star that you are—happy first birthday!

Funny First Birthday Wishes

Happy first birthday! Mom and Dad, I hope you’re ready for the terrible twos.

Booh bah loo whoo tee noo. In your language, wish you a happy first birthday.

Your first birthday will be one of the few occasions when your mom will give you a gift that means nothing to you and your dad will show you off to the world. Enjoy, happy birthday!

Have a ONE-derful birthday!

I’ve known you since before you were born, so I probably know you better than you know yourself. Happy first birthday!

Birthday Wishes For Baby Boy 1st Birthday
Birthday Wishes For Baby Boy 1st Birthday

Inspirational Quotes for a First Birthday Card

“Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you!” —Dr. Seuss

“You don’t get older, you get better.” —Shirley Bassey

“Don’t just count your years, make your years count.” —George Meredith

“With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come.” —William Shakespeare

“Today is the oldest you have been, and the youngest you will ever be. Make the most of it!” —Nicky Gumbel

“Birthdays come but once a year, celebrate and be of good cheer.” —Robert Rivers

Happy First Birthday From Mom or Dad

You are my darling one year old who is more precious than a box of gold. Happy birthday!

You are so precious to me and your [mother/father]. We look forward to many more years of joy! Happy first birthday!

Here’s to 365 days of being your [mom/dad]. Happy birthday!

Happy first birthday to my shining star! I love you to the moon and back.

My darling, you are so sweet and chubby—you remind me of a cute little teddy. Happy first birthday to you.

You are so sweet that if you were a cake I would have eaten you up. Happy birthday to my one-year-old honey bun.

Happy first birthday! We can’t wait to see what you accomplish in your life.

Birthday Wishes For Baby Boy 1st Birthday
Birthday Wishes For Baby Boy 1st Birthday

Birthday Messages for a One-Year-Old Girl

Happy birthday to the sweetest one-year-old girl in the world!

It’s been one year of sugar, spice, and everything nice. Happy first birthday!

Your laughter is like music to my ears. You are a sweet baby angel—please never grow up!

Enjoy ruling over your kingdom, you beautiful one-year-old princess!

Happy first birthday, sweetie pie!

Birthday Messages for a One-Year-Old Boy

I can already tell you’re going to be a heartbreaker. Happy first birthday!

Happy first birthday to the sweetest baby boy in the whole entire world.

You are the coolest one-year-old boy I know. Happy birthday!

You are the one guy who can charm me from across the room with just one smile. Happy first birthday!

You are our family’s sweetest one and the world’s best one-year-old son. Wish you a very happy birthday, my boy!

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