Happy Birthday Bestie Wishes And Images
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Happy birthday For Bestie Wishes And Images
You’re older than you’ve been. But look on the bright side, you’re younger now than you’ll ever be!
My birthday wish for you: I hope you never stop enjoying the small things in life. Because that’s what makes life worth living. I hope you take time to enjoy the present while working for a better future. I hope your year is full of memories, happiness, and adventure.
A friend like you is more priceless than the most beautiful diamond. You are not only reliable and wise but kind and thoughtful as well. This day is the perfect opportunity to show you much I care and how grateful I am to have you in my life.
My dearest friend, today is your birthday, and I look forward all year to celebrating this day with you. I have planned so many enjoyable activities, and I can’t wait to see your face light up when you look at what I have in store for you.

I hope your birthday is as sweet as the cake. And the year to follow is filled with as much joy as you bring your friends!
May your birthday be amazingly awesome and your hangover be mercifully minor.

Wishing you greatest birthday ever, full of love and joy from the moment you open your eyes in the morning until you sleep for the night.
Mom, there is no one who can come even closer to your winning ways. Happy Birthday to my great mom.
The more you live, the younger you become. Maybe that’s why you look so good for your age!
Be who you are, because who you are is amazing. Happy birthday to my best friend!

Woohoo! Cake, booze, and partying! Oops… I mean… happy birthday!
There’s no way that your birthday can be as happy as you make me. But I hope it’s close!

Through thick and thin, you were always there for me. Just know that I’ll always be there for you when you need me.
There are friends and then there are best friends, happy birthday to the best friend I could have asked for!

The best gift is the gift of friendship. So, that is what I got you for your birthday! Don’t worry… I got you a real present too.
It’s your birthday! Which means it’s a great excuse to make some bad decisions, let’s party it up

Happy Birthday Bestie Wishes And Images
Best friends are the friends who keep your embarrassing secrets private. Thank you for always keeping my less than proud moments under wraps.
Hey it’s your birthday and I just wanted to let you know that you’ll never have to face a problem alone. I may not be able to solve every problem but I’ll always be here for you when you need me.

When I think back to all the things we’ve been through, I’m so thankful that I got to go through everything with you by my side. Happy birthday to my best friend who never let me go it alone.
Hey you! It’s your birthday! Cake! Candles! Drinks! Presents! More drinks! Can you tell I’m excited?

I love it when it’s your birthday, because it means we have a great excuse to go out and have some fun! Let’s go celebrate!
You’ll never have to walk the world alone. As long as my heart beats, you’ll have me.

As long as I have a couch, you’ll have a couch to crash on. No matter what happens. You’ll always have a place if you need it.
What is a friend? You. You is a friend. You is my best friend. Best friend is have birthday. Happy birthday.

Happy Birthday Bestie Wishes And Images
Happy birthday to my best friend. I hope it is filled with awesomeness!
Perfect birthday? Good food, good drinks, great friends, and lots of birthday presents and wishes!

It’s your day! But leave it in the capable hands of your best friends. We’ll treat you right!
If your birthday is half as amazing as you are, it’s going to be epic. Happy birthday to the best friend a person could ask for!

I hope you have a very happy birthday. Full of beers and cheers!
Best friends are like farts. Some are quiet. Some are loud. They embarrass you in public. They make you feel good. And they make you laugh.

For your birthday I got you hugs, kisses, and birthday wishes! Plus, dinner is on me!
Sure, you’re a year older, but we’ve got a lot more years of shenanigans ahead of us. When we’re in the old folks home we’ll still be causing trouble!

How old are you?! Nah, you don’t look a day over amazing.
Birthdays are like your own personal Christmas! Merry birthday to my best friend!

You aren’t getting older. You’re gaining XP. And it isn’t a birthday party. It’s a level up party!
My best friend is sweeter than cake, more colorful than confetti, and hotter than a candle. And it’s her birthday. Happy birthday!

When I first met you, I had no idea how important you would be to me. Happy birthday to my best friend in the world.
Best friends are like presents. You are always happy to see them. Happy birthday to the best present that life has given me.

You’re not just my best friend. You’re my sister. You may not have been born my sister, but we are family and we’ll always be family.
It’s not the number of friends. It’s the quality of them. Thanks for being the best of the best. I hope you have a wonderful birthday!

Life’s too short to spend it with people you don’t love. That’s why I hang out with you so much. Happy birthday!
It’s your birthday, but let’s not focus on the number of years gone by. Let’s look forward to the years to come! I’m planning on having a lot of fun in the coming years with my best friend!

It’s your birthday. You can dance if you want to. You can leave your cares behind. And if you need a dance partner, count me in!
You are smart, caring, funny, and a joy to be around. You remind me of myself! Happy birthday!

Forget your age and live the life your inner child wants to live!
Like Chili Davis said: Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional. Happy birthday to my best friend, I hope you never grow up!

Happy Birthday Bestie Wishes And Images
On your birthday, I just wanted to let you know that you are an amazing friend. Every life you touch, you make better.
Hey! It’s your birthday. Which means it’s time to put on that crown. You are a queen today and we are your loyal subjects. What mischief would her majesty like to get into?

Happy birthday bestie! May this year be kind to you, and may the next years be better still. I wish you plenty of joy and happiness for the years to come!
Most of my best memories have you in them. Thank you for being such a great friend and walking beside me on this journey called life.
Today is your birthday. It’s the day we celebrate how ridiculously awesome you are!

You are an inspiration for everyone, and I cannot describe just how proud I am to have a best friend like yourself. Here’s to us and more wonderful memories to create together!
Soooo I forgot, which one of us is supposed to be the bad influence? Doesn’t matter. It’s your birthday. We can both be!
You’ve been my own personal cheer leader, my therapist, and my voice of reason. But most importantly, you are my best friend. Happy birthday. You are amazing!

I love having someone in my life that I don’t have to be an adult around. Thank you so much for bringing out the kid in me. I hope you have a joyful birthday!
I don’t know what I would do without a great friend like you. Happy birthday to my best friend!

A best friend is someone who makes you feel comfortable being who you really are. Thanks for putting up with my craziness all these years!
To my best friend, I wish you all the happiness in the world in the coming year. I hope your birthday is the best and the days after it are even better.

Hanging out with you is always a blast and even more so on your birthday! So, let’s go out and make your birthday special!
Since it’s your birthday, I just wanted to let you know, you are my best friend. The very best friend I’ve ever had. I’m so glad you came into my life.

When we hang out, it’s like the world is a little brighter. Thanks for always making my world much better. I hope your birthday is as wonderful as you are.
To my best friend, I wish you the best birthday ever!

Hey best friend. It’s your birthday. And you need to know that you rock. Thanks for being awesome.
Whenever you feel down or think just can’t do something, just imagine me giving you a gigantic high five with a ridiculous look on my face. That should help. In the meantime though, happy birthday!

Best friends must walk a fine line between stopping their friend from making big bad decisions and encouraging them to make small bad decisions that are a lot of fun. And no one does it better than my partner in crime.
Friends are like family that we get to choose. I’m glad I made such a good choice!

Happy birthday to my adventure buddy. I hope this coming year will be filled with many more fun adventures together!
Friendships are like trees. You must water them for them to grow. So, let’s order some drinks!

I’m going to do something really fun and cool today because it’s my birthday. Thank you, God, for blessing me with another year of life.
You’ll be my best friend forever! …… Because you already know too much.
Here’s to all the inside jokes, all the stupid things we’ve done together, all the memories we’ve shared. May the years to come be filled with many more.

It’s my birthday, and by God, I shall celebrate and party like tomorrow never exists. Thank you, God.
I probably wouldn’t fight a tiger for you or a lion. But I would definitely shoo a cat that was giving you the stink eye! Happy birthday to the friend that I would do almost anything for.
Thank you for accepting me for who I am and always encouraging me to be the person I should be.

Thanks for being weird with me. You are the best!
If you ever kill someone, call me first. I’ll help you get rid of the body. That’s your birthday present my friend, one free body disposal. The second time it happens, I’ll have to charge.
There are a lot of people who know a lot of my stories. But you were there to help me create all those great stories!
Happy birthday to my best friend. We are getting older, but we still have fun. In fact, we’ll probably be up to same shenanigans when we are in an old folks home together!
Time can change a lot but it will never change how much I care for you, my best friend.
Happy birthday to my best friend and part time therapist. Thanks for always listening to my problems and trying to help!
Hey, you’re weird. But it’s okay because I’m weird too. I’m so glad we get to be weird together.
Your problems are my problems. And I celebrate your successes like they were my own. I’ve always got your back. No matter what.
Thank you for always helping me live life to the fullest. I couldn’t ask for a better friend than you!
I don’t care about having lots of friends. I only care about have great friends. Like you!
I’ve seen you at your best and I’ve seen you at your darkest. And I still think you are one of the most amazing people I’ve ever met.
I’ve had a lot of half-ass friends in my life. That’s why I’m so happy I found a whole-ass friend!
Happy birthday to the person who always says yes to my crazy ideas! My life wouldn’t be nearly as fun without my best friend in it!
I’ve got lots of friends who make me laugh, but only you make me laugh so hard I snort. I’m so lucky to have you as my best friend. I hope your birthday is as fun as you are!