Happy Birthday Cards For Mother [2019]
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Happy Birthday Cards For Mother
Dear Mom, here’s wishing you the happiest of birthdays today! From, your favorite child (who is also the smartest, most handsome, and funniest)
Happy birthday to my mom! Here is a coupon for you to hand to dad: “Mom’s day off! Dad gets to do all of the chores.” Enjoy your freedom.

You know you’re getting old when you have more candles on your cake than wrinkles on your face. Just kidding. Happy birthday, Mom!
Here’s to hoping all of your wishes will come true once you blow out those candles. If anyone deserves all the happiness in the world, it’s you. Thanks for always being there for me.
Every passing year is just another reminder of how strong our friendship is. So I want to wish you a sincere “Happy Birthday,” may that every wish you have to come true because you are the person that deserves it the most!

Mom, throughout the life, your valuable advices have led me safely. Your words are my guidance, and your love is the most precious item to me. Now, this is the opportunity to thank you for everything U did for me. Happy birthday.
I treasure our special relationship and share your warmth and love on this special day. Happy Birthday dear mother.
To the woman that always brought the best in me or at least saw the best in me regardless of what I did. Happy Birthday.

Have a great day today and a wonderful year ahead. Happy Birthday.
Enjoy every moment of your birthday and wait until tomorrow to realize that you’ve gotten older. Happy Birthday.
Do you know what to not ask for on your birthday? Absolutely nothing! It’s your day to choose whatever you want. Happy birthday to the best mother around!

Happy birthday, Mom! I want you to know that I am nothing without you, but I can be everything with you by my side. Love you!
Only a super mom can do everything you do and still look amazing every day! Happy birthday to a mom who just keeps getting younger at heart.
Every birthday memory I have includes you lighting the candles on my cake. Thank you for all that you have done, and I am looking forward to returning the favor this weekend.

If you were not my mom already, then I would be absolutely jealous of whoever was your daughter. You’re awesome, Mom. Happy Birthday!
Mom, I want to tell you that – every year I crown you with the “Best Mother of the Year” award. There is no one who can come even closer to your winning ways. Happy Birthday to my great mom.
Mom, there is no other person who can take the place of yours in my heart. I’m so lucky that I’ve found the best mother in this entire world. You’ll always remain as the number one mom to me, no matter how far I’m from U.

Every morning when I wake up, I always thank you. Your perfect supervision, your heart, your love and your warmth have given me a lot. You are the one who loves me unconditionally. You are always my lovely mom, wishing you a happy birthday.
Today is the day when I promise not to cause any of the trouble that I caused the rest of the year. Enjoy a peaceful birthday since you never know what I might do tomorrow. Just kidding. You’re amazing! I’ll be good, I promise.
Birthdays are like chocolate. It’s best not to keep count of how many you have, and just enjoy them instead. Happy birthday to the sweetest mother I know.

As U wake up this morning, I hope you enjoy the crisp fresh air full of bright sunshine and relish the sound of chirping birds. May every morning of this new year be as bright and special as the joy you bring to my life. Happy birthday, Mom!
Mom, on your birthday I want to say again how much I appreciate all that you do and have done for me. Thanks. Happy Birthday.
There are a lot of cards for the world’s best Mom, but there is only ONE best Mom in the world. That’s you, and you are getting an email! Happy Birthday.

Happy Birthday, Mom. Let’s spend more time together this year because I like having you near me.
I hope that your birthday is full of happiness and chocolate. What is one without the other? Happy Birthday.
There is no other person who can take the place of yours in my heart. I feel so lucky that I’ve found the best mom in the world.

U are a super mom because only you can do everything you do and still look great every day! To a lady who just keeps getting younger!
Mother, you are my angel darling. And, you are the strength that always helps me to fight against all the odds. Birthday wishes to my mummy.
Happy Birthday, Mom! Every bday memory I have includes you lighting the candles on my cake. Thank you for all that you have done, and today is my opportunity to return the favor.
From one fun lady to another – Happy birthday, Mom!

Here’s a smile from me to you. Let this day bring you something new. Happy birthday, Mom!
Here’s a big hug from your favorite child. I wish you a year full of surprises, presents, joys, and laughter. Happy birthday, Mom!
Don’t feel overwhelmed by the number of candles on your cake. It won’t trigger the fire alarm yet. Next year, maybe! Happy birthday, sweet Mom!
Happy birthday to our mom, the one lady we know who had a pet dinosaur in her childhood. Just kidding! We love you.

We bought a woodpecker and trained her to tap out the number of holes that match your age. Too bad she passed out before she could finish. Happy birthday, mom!
It’s about time you reached this age, now that you’ve grown out of flowers and chocolates, we can get you a real present that actually has some punch. You said you did some horse riding before, right? Happy Birthday!
I love how we can just trust each other so much and be in sync when we’re together. You always seem to know exactly what I’m thinking! Happy birthday to my amazing bestie!
For such a young mom you’ve always had such a wise head on your beautiful young shoulders. It’s a shame that also means you know how to keep such close tabs on me using Facebook. Happy Birthday!
Sending lots of hugs and kisses your way for your special day! If there is one thing that I can wish, it’s for everyone else in the world to find themselves a best friend as wonderful as mine is. Happy birthday, you gorgeous lady!