100+ Birthday Wishes For Best Friend Girl
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Birthday Wishes For Best Friend Girl
How is it possible that you are still getting prettier year after year? Your birthdays are too kind on you! Happy birthday and may God bless you extra today!
You’re an amazing woman. I’ve watched you reach heights and dreams that you were going for, and it takes plenty of dedication and effort for this to happen. Happy birthday to the most wonderful best friend ever!
Sending lots of hugs and kisses your way for your special day! If there is one thing that I can wish, it’s for everyone else in the world to find themselves a best friend as wonderful as mine is. Happy birthday, you gorgeous lady!
I love how we can just trust each other so much and be in sync when we’re together. You always seem to know exactly what I’m thinking! Happy birthday to my amazing bestie!

The best advice I get has always been from you, the best friend that I can ever wish for. Happy birthday to the best girl, best advisor and best friend in the world!
Happy, happy birthday to you, my dearest friend! I hope that you will be spending this day with all your loved ones and best friends (this includes me!) with you!
Happy birthday bestie! May this year be kind to you, and may the next years be better still. I wish you plenty of joy and happiness for the years to come!
You are an inspiration for everyone, and I cannot describe just how proud I am to have a best friend like yourself. Here’s to us and more wonderful memories to create together!

Birthday Wishes For Best Friend Girl Quotes
You have gone through so many obstacles and hurdles in life, and you managed to do it all so gracefully and with pride! I hope that I will be just like you one day. Here’s to the awesome person that you are – happy birthday!
Cheers to the best girl pal of mine! It’s your birthday today and I hope that your days will be showered with blessings, joy and laughter all year long. Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to my amazing bestie! I feel like you weren’t told enough about how awesome, kind, strong and willful you are. You’re an inspiration!
Happy birthday girl! You showed me what it means to be kind and forgiving, and I think I’ll always be amazed by the wonderful person that you are. You’re the best!
Dear bestie, I don’t know what I would have done without your weird sense of humor, your kindness and care for me. You have been more than a helpful friend, and today we celebrate your birthday together!

Funny Birthday Wishes For Best Friend Girl
Happy birthday! Today marks your birthday, a wonderful day worthy of joy, love and celebration. May the best girlfriend in the world have all her dreams and wishes come true!
I never knew how amazing it would be to have a girl best friend until I met you. You have been an amazing company through times good and bad, and I would love to have you as my best friend for many years more. Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to the best girlfriend of mine! You have always been kind to others even when the world is not as kind to you. Here are more love and hugs coming your way!
Happy birthday, best girl pal! Life is always an adventure when you’re around. I hope that I have been a good friend to you as you have been to me. Cheers!
Dear bestie, you deserve nothing less than the best in your life! I wish that you will always be surrounded by positivity in your life, and I really do hope that I am one of the many positives in your life!

I know you really want to turn back the clock, but with the number of years you’ve racked up, I’m really not sure that’s even possible. Happy birthday anyway!
Happy birthday! I hope you don’t mind, but I re-wrapped the gift you gave me last year. You’re going to love it!
Birthday Wishes Images For Best Friend Female
Hey bestie, it’s your birthday! I have been thinking of ways that I can celebrate your birthday with you, but I never really came to a proper conclusion. A person as awesome as you deserve only the best!
Happy birthday to my best girl pal! I have always wondered just how you manage to stay graceful and so ladylike even in the toughest of situations, and to this day I still have no answer!
Hey birthday girl! I’m so glad that my best friend is someone that is just like me! We understand each other so well that I don’t think I will ever want to trade our friendship for anything else at all!
Happy birthday to the best girlfriend that I’m proud to call my own! You have always been an amazing person, and I feel proud watching you reach greater heights every day. Cheers to us!
Happy birthday to the most beautiful, kind, understanding and optimistic girl that I know! How lucky I am to be calling you my best friend! I love you!

Birthday Wishes For Best Female Friend
God sure put His time into creating you, didn’t he? How else could my best girlfriend be so perfect and beautiful? Stay fabulous and gorgeous always, bestie! Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to the most fabulous and fashionista best friend of mine. You always manage to look amazing and graceful in everything you do and I admire you for that! Happy birthday!
Happy birthday to the best friend who I have known since primary school. I’ll always be proud of the fact that you are my best friend!
You were there when I was at my worst, and so it is only right that I am here for you for good and bad as well. This birthday, I hope that your deepest wishes will all come true!
Happy birthday best friend! Each and every birthday should be celebrated with great vigor and joy. I hope that with each passing year, you are going to become more beautiful, more graceful and that we have an even better friendship!

Short Birthday Wishes for Friend – Happy Birthday Friend
I feel so lucky to have you as my friend. Hope your birthday is as special as you are.May all of your dreams come true. Thanks for being such a great friend. Happy birthday!
I am looking forward to many more years of friendship and birthdays with you. Have a fantastic birthday!
I want to wish you all the love and happiness in the world, all of which you deserve. Happy birthday my friend!
I am grateful that you are a part of my life. All the best on your birthday!
In good times and bad, I’ll always be by your side. Happy birthday friend!
Happy, happy birthday! You deserve all the cakes, love, hugs and happiness today. Enjoy your day my friend!
May God shower you with blessings today and always. Happy birthday wishes for my friend!
Happy, healthy, exceptional, rocking birthday to you my friend!
Every step of the way you were there for me. Through thick and thin I’ll always be there for you. Happy birthday wishes!
Thanks for another year of being an awesome friend. Happy birthday dear friend!

Short Birthday Wishes for Best Friend – Happy Birthday Best Friend
I am grateful for your true friendship. Hope you birthday is amazing as you are my best friend!
I wish you love, hope and everlasting joy and happiness. Thank you for being my best friend!
I am so proud to be your best friend. May you have a happy and healthy birthday!
You understand me like nobody else. I have a sibling in you my friend. Happy birthday to my best friend!
Thank you always being there to listen. I am so lucky to have you as my best friend. Enjoy your birthday!
I am so thankful and happy that we are best friends. Enjoy your birthday and happy birthday wishes for my best friend!

Best Funny Birthday Wishes for Best Friend
Happy birthday to my best friend, the one who laughs at my silly jokes and still stands beside me even when I do dumb and stupid things!
Christian happy birthday images
Best friend: someone whom you can be yourself with, someone who you can have pointless conversations with, someone who still likes you even when you’re weird, someone who forgets to buy you a birthday gift…that’s why I came up with this. Happy birthday my best friend!
Happy birthday to my best friend! We are such a great team: I am smart, good-looking and talented and you are great at being my friend!
You may be getting older but at least I still look great! Happy birthday best friend!
Happy birthday to my friend forever. I wish you immense joy, laughter and love on this beautiful day. Enjoy, it’s your day!
Sending best wishes to my bestie. May you receive all the happiness and success of the world that you deserve!
I’m so lucky to find a best friend like you. You’re my life’s biggest inspiration. Wish you the best birthday ever and a great future ahead.
Happy birthday, my lovely friend. You’ve come as a pleasure in my life and your friendship is a harmony to my heart. May your life be filled with abundant love!
Dear bestie! For the others today is nothing but for me, today is very important. Because today is your birthday. Happy Birthday to you and wishing you a very happy life in the future!
Today I was thinking about what gift I would select for you on this birthday. At that moment one thing comes into my mind. The thing is sending you a birthday message. Happy Birthday, BFF!

More than ever I feel very proud of having a best friend like you. Please stay with me forever! Wishing you a very happy birthday and many many happy returns of the day!
There is no one so close to me rather than you. You are my male best friend ever! Happy birthday to you! Wishing you a happy life!
Dear friend! May you have all the joy that your heart can hold? I wish that your life will be filled up with joy. Happy birthday my dear best friend!
I wish to celebrate thousand birthdays of you just like this. I am grateful to god because on this day he sent an angel on earth who happens to be my best friend! Happy birthday, dear.

Birthday Wishes For Best Friend Male
Birthday wishes are sent from the most brilliant and wise person of the era especially to you. Happy birthday my friend.
I’ve two news to share; 1- You’ve turned another year older and 2- You’ve nothing to do with it. You’ve just fast forward towards old and wrinkly!
I know you’re getting this a bit hard to gulp your new age, just try some Tequila with it. Happy birthday!
Friendship is like bonding between two human beings as well as birthday means sharing birthday cake between others! Happy cake eating day dear. Wishing you a happy life!
This day is very special to me because my best friend was born on this day. I am always lucky to have a friend like you.’’ That’s enough lying for one day. Happy birthday anyway!
I wish you have the best birthday of your life. Enjoy your time with your family. I’m sending you lots of love from here! Now you send me the money to buy cakes for you. Happy birthday to my best friend!
Friendship makes every day special for me. But when it is your birthday, it is always more special because your pocket is going to be empty today. Happy birthday!
If you were not born today this world would be deprived of a great fool to be made fun of. I mean you really are a funny person. Happy birthday dear friend.
Every moment of my life is enjoyable if spent with you. You are a gift to me. On this very special occasion, I would like to wish you all the happiness in this world. Keep on being stupid every day. Happy birthday!

Birthday Wishes For A Special Female Friend
Sending warm wishes to the special person of my life who magnifies my happiness and whose presence doubles my joy. May you have an awesome birthday evening!
On the special birthday celebration, let me remind you that you bring abundant joy and pleasure to my life. Happy birthday to my dear friend.
Sending all the love, hugs, chocolates and cake on your special day. May you enjoy your birthday at fullest and your life gets brighter with times ahead! Happy birthday.
A true friend is the one who stands for you when no one does. Happy birthday to the true friend ever. May God bless you!
I wish every day is your birthday so that your age increases every day and you die soon. But this is not going to happen, unfortunately. So, happy birthday dear friend, only once a year!
Don’t be so happy on your birthday. Just remember that one more year has gone and you gained nothing but an extra number to your age. Happy birthday!
Having a friend like you is a blessing. You are the most wonderful person I have ever known. Let’s make this birthday of yours a great one to remember!
Birthdays are not just a number to celebrate. It’s a sign that you are maturing every year, and so is our friendship. Happy birthday!

Among the many reasons to celebrate this special day, the most wonderful reason is that you are getting more beautiful every year. Happy birthday my beautiful friend.
Time will pass away, beautiful faces will fade away, but a beautiful heart will only grow more beautiful. Happy birthday to you my dear. You are one of those who has a beautiful heart in them.
Funny Birthday Wishes For Female Friend
No matter what age you gain; you should be excited as you’re when you turned lucky 13. Happy birthday.
Let’s welcome the new wrinkles of your face, another set of grey hairs on your head and reveal the new year of your life. Happy birthday.
Dear! On your birthday I’ll give you advice. From now please smile as much as possible by showing your teeth. Because after some years you don’t have teeth for showing. Happy birthday!
Be alert! Birthdays can leak your real age. So, use fewer candles on your cake and spend more money on us. Happy birthday!
Celebrating birthdays like children doesn’t suit you. Women at your age should be celebrating their marriage ceremonies. Anyway, Happy birthday!
If you put on a slightly low make-up, you can actually save some more money for a birthday party. Happy birthday to our make-up queen!
You are smiling because it’s your birthday! We are smiling because you are getting older and fatter. Happy birthday dear friend!
Happy birthday! Enjoy a happy and healthy life and of course, never stop lying about your age. Because after all, you are not getting younger!

Short Birthday Text for Best Friend
Wishing my BFF a great birthday as sweet as he is to me. Happy birthday.
On this special day, I promise you that I’ll be by your side through my entire lifetime. Happy birthday.
Happy Birthday to the most charming human being I have ever known and the best friend of my very own!
Thanks for all your little efforts that turned into great contributions in my life. Wish you the nicest birthday.
No language in this world is enough powerful to describe how important you’re to me. Happy birthday, dear.
Warm wishes from heaven, love from my heart, true feelings from my soul and a lot of love for you on your birthday.
We truly hope you have enjoyed these birthday wishes, messages, greetings and quotes for friends and best friends.