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Happy Birthday Messages For girls
You are the most special girl in my life. The bond we share is uncanny; you know my thoughts even before I have them.
You are amazing, a force of nature. You know where you are going and how you are going to get there and no one can stop you.
Happy birthday and may all your wishes come true!

Wishing you great happiness, a joy that never ends, Happy Birthday
To the girl who makes me happy every day, I want to wish the most amazing day and many more happy years to come!

Happy Birthday and many happy returns of the day
Girl, you are the biggest blessing in my life! I will always love and cherish you. Have a wonderful birthday, my dear!

I want to wish a happy birthday to a remarkable girl that I know. Someone like you is hard to find. You are smart, beautiful and kind, such a marvellous trio of qualities to possess.
For all those reasons I must say meeting you was a blessing and I truly hope you have the spectacular day you deserve and many more spectacular days to come!

A birthday is a time for celebration- it’s a time to celebrate the life of someone special. Here’s to you getting love, joy, and lots of happiness on your special day ,.. Happy Birthday Dear !!
Your cheerfulness is contagious, girl! When you walk into the room everything brightens up. I wish you a wonderful birthday!

A birthday is one of the most important days of the year- may yours be filled with the light of living and the brightness of laughter. A warm Wish You a Happy Birthday !!
Wishing the sweetest birthday to the sweetest 3-year-old girl! I hope your day is filled with all things lovely!

You are amazing, sweet girl. I didn’t think it would be possible, but it is true, as you grow older, you become more and more beautiful. I only believe it because I have seen it.
I wish you a wonderful birthday!

Your smile is brighter and warmer than a thousand suns, sweet girl! I hope you have the wonderful birthday you deserve!

Happy birthday, sweet girl of mine! You are such a wonderful person and I want to thank you for being in my life.
May all of your dreams and aspirations in life come true and, on this day of happiness, may you have all the fun in the world!

Beautiful girl, you are a ray of sunshine on a rainy day, a hot summer breeze on a cold winter morning.
You are my special girl and I want to wish you a happy birthday and many more glorious days to come!
You make everything around you more beautiful just by being there, pretty girl.
You truly are one of nature’s many wonders, no one else can quite compare to you. Your smile is brighter than a thousand suns and sweeter than all the sugar canes. You make everyone happy.
I hope you have a fantastic birthday and many more fantastic days to come!
Happy birthday to the most beautiful
little princess ever to exist!I hope you have a magical day, and that
everything you wished for comes true!Wishing you only the happiest things
in life and a very happy birthday,
my sweet little girl!
I went on a mission to find you the prettiest thing in the world to offer you for your birthday. But then I realized that this was an impossible mission, since the prettiest thing in the world is you.
Happy birthday, pretty girl!
You have such a big and wonderful heart! We could fit the entire universe inside your heart. Have the sweetest of birthdays, girl!
People say everything that has a beginning has an end, but they have never seen a friendship like ours, girl. Our wonderful friendship was made to last. We have been friends for so long and we will continue to be for many years to come.
I wish for this special day of yours to be as wonderful as our friendship. Happy birthday, my dear friend!
Happy birthday, girl! You are the most trustworthy of all my friends. I love spending time with you; we always have so much fun. I hope we stay friends for all of our lives.
I wish you but the very best on your special day!
I love you just the way you are, girl. Never change. I hope you have a fantastic birthday and a fantastic year to come!
Today marks the day that you arrived in this world and who knew you’d be such an inspiration and a guiding light to those around you.
I hope you may cast a light on this world for many more years! Happy birthday, sweet girl!
On this day, 3 years ago, a wonderful
little girl came into the world and
entered our hearts!I’m wishing you a happy and playful
third birthday, sweetie, and hoping
that the year ahead is full of wonder
for you!
Happy birthday! May your day be filled with lots of love and happiness.
The sweetest, most adorable little girl turns 3 today! Happy birthday, sweetheart!
I’m wishing you a birthday full of giggles and a life full of love.
I hope that you’re smothered with happiness and warmth, my dear, today and always!
I’m so glad to be able to celebrate this day with a special friend. Happy birthday!
Words cannot express my happiness for celebrating yet another year of your magnificent life, my dear girl! A happy birthday to you!